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jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Amor ♥

Que palabra no? El amor es algo que no se puede explicar,cada persona lo describe de forma distinta y eso es porque el amor es diferente en cada relacion,el amor no surge poco a poco eso es el cariño,el amor surge a lo bestia y te arrasa como tsunami eso es el amor ese sentimiento que tienes hacia esa persona especial, a esa persona que la echas de menos un segundo despues de despetirte de ella,esa persona que te dice que aflojes cuando te crees el rey del mundo, esa persona qe te quiere de verdad. En realidad el amor es un sentimiento inexplicable pero que explica todas las tonterias que hacemos cuando estamos enamorados eso es el amor

12 comentarios:

  1. Me encanta tu blooog! en serio, es genial!
    te sigooo :)
    pásate por el mio si tienes algo de tiempo: http://aitanita-estelles.blogspot.com/
    un besazo guapa!(K)

  2. Hello B nice to see you have an internet presence, but how do I turn the music off? and when are you coming to England

  3. just click to pause on the ipod green circle ;)

  4. Such a pretty blog!!! Well done.
    Hope you make it over to see us in England some time. Not sure you've seen the clip from when we went to the great museums in London the other day. If you do come here, we will take you to see them.


  5. hola Beita,

    Muy guapo el blog... Sigue asi

    Tio Diego

  6. Hello! i love your blog, its awesome, i agree with marie, you have to come over and see the museums, there really fun ;) xx cant wait to see you next

    Hannah x

  7. hi Baby, I love your blog you did a great job
    we are very proud of you
    Mum and dad

  8. Hi Beatriz
    Your'e mom asked me to have a look? I think you did a great job here! Please wish your sister Maria the best from me & my family and God Bless you all on big day Saturday! )
    Take care,
    Manny and family from USA

  9. be careful with “amor” it can be dangerous
    close your ears and listen to your heart

  10. Hello Beatriz
    This is very nice and you must have had lots of fun doing it.
    Congratulations to Maria and your whole family on the celebration of Marias' first communion.
    All the best
    Antony and family from South Africa

  11. hallo Beatriz,
    do you remember your first communion? and look where you are now
    mit freundlichen grüßen

  12. Hello Beatriz,

    What a fantastic blog! You are very clever and talented :O))

    I certainly would not know how to start making a blog so very well done. I like the translation facility.

    Best wishes from Karen & Dave Price and family from the UK

